
mycro is Ceremony’s second portfolio brand, founded in 2021, by our core team. We monitored the meteoric rise of functional mushroom based supplements, and desired the opportunity to improve upon the category. Honey is a natural preservative and a whole food. Homogenizing the adaptogens and functional mushroom powders in raw honey increased the efficacy and the ability of nature’s supplements to impact the body and mind.

After creating the world’s most delicious and effective blend of functional mushrooms and adaptogens, Ceremony designed mycro’s brand identity, packaging, website, and created all of the content for a April 2021 launch.

Ceremony continues to lead the creative and art direction for all of mycro’s film and editorial campaigns.


  • Creative Direction
  • Branding and Identity
  • Website
  • Strategy
  • Packaging Design
  • Product Creation
  • Media Plan & Production


  • Ceremony
    mycro spoon
    mycro spread
    mycro honey
    mycro immunity
    mycro mushroom
    mycro mushroom
    mycro spread

    Cacao-delicious, raw mushroom honey

    All of your necessary daily supplements in a spoonful of raw honey. mycro is an incredibly novel product offering, and the brand identity is inspired by the ingenuity and simplicity of a spoonful of raw honey replacing several handfuls of vitamins. mycro’s campaigns intended and succeeded in informing the audience through entertainment, imbuing a sense of know-how in an otherwise complex and ambiguous marketplace.

    mycro website
    mycro products
    mycro honey
    mycro bread
    mycro adapt to anything
    mycro jars
    mycro activate
    mycro calm
    mycro compound
    mycro jar icons
    Let's do mushrooms together.
    mycro immunity
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    in Ceremony.